Sunday, December 3, 2017
12 Days of Christmas: A Family Adventure
Our family is a little tired of the commercial, all-about-presents mentality of Christmas. We love focusing on the birth of our Savior. We also love celebrating the season. Honestly, when I think back to my childhood Christmases, the memories I hold most dear are the traditions and experiences I hadwith my family! Presents were fun, but experiences were more precious.
However, it's hard to focus on simple experiences when we're running around, spending way too much money on "perfect" presents.
So, although our kiddos are going to have gifts to open this year, we decided to spend more energy on experiences. We made a plan to have something to look forward to almost every day leading up to Christmas. We call it our 12 Days of Christmas Adventure.
Feel free to look at our plan and maybe even adopt a plan of your own.
(Please keep in mind that our plans are designed for our location, budget, and preferences...but I'd love to see what others come up with!)
Day 1- Decorate for Christmas
Day 2 - Visit Santa at the Mall
Day 3 -"Polar Express Train Ride" at a local town event/ Roast marshmallows & drink hot cocoa at home
Day 4 - Holiday Boat Parade at local beach town
Day 5 - "Apalachee Baptist Christmas Program" (concert event)
Day 6 - School Christmas program
Day 7 - City Christmas Parade/ Movie Night
Day 8 - Make Christmas ornaments
Day 9 - Snowman Pancakes for Dinner
Day 10 - Make Gingerbread Houses & Christmas Cookies
Day 11 - Look at Christmas Lights/ Christmas Carol & Cookie Gifts to neighbors
Day 12 - Christmas Baking/ Game Night with "Snowman Soup"
Christmas Eve. - Church service/ Birthday cake for Jesus/ Read Christmas story
Christmas Day - Gift Exchange/ Family Meal
Thursday, October 26, 2017
What this picture doesn't show....
In this picture, I captioned what I said in the moment...when I was cuddling my baby boy and my daughter crawled up on my bed and snuggled in close. "I have both my babies with me!" It was such a sweet moment that I just had to snap a pic.
However, after uploading it to social media, I looked at this "perfect" little moment and, this isn't a very good representation of the day.
So I thought I'd share what this picture DOESN'T show.
It doesn't show that not even an hour earlier, I had to clean up a huge poopy accident on my daughter's first day of wearing "big girl" panties. (And I didn't handle it very gracefully.)
It doesn't show that my toddler is just getting over a cold and that my one month old is currently fighting one...which scares me.
It doesn't show the hours of sleep a mom of 2 DOESN'T get.
It doesn't show that I hadn't smiled that big all day because lately I feel like a failure at everything...especially in the mom department.
And of course a picture can't show all that, but I realized as soon as I hit the share button that I'm doing what (probably) everyone else does. I shared a very brief, sweet moment of my day, and since that's all I shared with the world, that's all they see. It makes it very easy to judge and compare and assume that way.
I'm constantly comparing myself to what I think I see in the lives of others. Now I really I comparing apples & oranges?
The reason I'm sharing this is because I thought it'd be nice if one of my seemingly perfect friends shared their true, flaw filled, stressful moments behind their brief, sweet ones. It would help me feel not so alone and not so much of a failure.
So if you're feeling down, don't feel alone. Look at this sweet picture, and then take it in knowing my day was no where near as sweet as that moment (although the moment was very sweet).
Take heart fellow friend! We both fail a little and thrive a little. It's not all picture perfect. That's ok.
What's in your heart today?
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Just Give Me....
LOL. Oh, there are many things that come to mind when I start this phrase....Just give me...
A break.
Some sun and waves.
A maid.
My younger body.
A million dollars.
A sign that it's all going to be ok?
Am I the only one who has these thoughts or conversations with myself? I think not.
Life seems to be spinning a lot faster as I exit my 20's. And as it spins faster, the "curve balls" and the "blessings" (that sometimes feel like curve balls) come at you harder.
I could go on about how this new phase of life feels, but many of you know how it feels. I could go on about life's troubles, however "hidden" they may be for each person, but again, you know how that feels too. So this blog is a bit more like a strand of thoughts that go through my mind throughout many of my days, and although some may be familiar and some may be odd, I hope they are encouraging for you...
When I go to bed anxious about tomorrow's worries,
I have Jesus right beside me. He's my assurance.
When I wake up with my stomach turning because now I have to face the day's worries,
I have Jesus who's going to walk me through the day.
When ministry calls...and calls...and calls....and I wonder if I can give any bit more...
Jesus reminds me that He always gave more, always gives more, and that He has the strength to do it. If only I'd stop giving of myself and let Him give through me. Then all of a sudden, when I release control, I'm not giving....but I am receiving.
When money seems to always somehow be a problem,
I have Jesus to remind me, "Look at the lilies of the field, Joy....I will take care of you."
When unexpected "blessings" come my way, but oh how it feels like a burden right now,
I have Jesus to talk to, to listen, and to whisper at different times, "Trust me."
When I look back at pictures and pine for the past...for whatever reason...
I am reminded that I had Jesus then...and I have Jesus now....and eventually, Jesus gives me new great memories in the making.
When I think about all the people who find me so "stupid" for believing in Jesus,
Jesus makes himself clearer to me through my own little miracles.
When I can't find any motivation to get up,
Jesus give me music...He reminds me to think about Him...just Him. Then His strength comes.
When there really is no one to talk to who will actually understand EVERYTHING I'm going through...
Jesus is there. And after talking...and singing...and pondering...all of a sudden it hits me that the KING and CREATOR of the universe is not only my Savior, but my friend who is ALWAYS beside me, listening to me all day....I'm floored.
He is there.
He is here.
I'm often reminded that joy doesn't come easily...even to the seemingly most "happy" people.
Joy is chosen.
And that choice is so hard sometimes.
Whether life is really cruel at the moment, or life's present is hard and the future is about to get harder...or life is "normal" but not really that's hard to choose joy.
For various reasons, it's been a little hard to choose joy. I'm not going to explain why; it's personal. And honestly, if I explained it, some people would shake their heads and tell me that it shouldn't be hard. (And to those people, I have this answer: Even King Solomon was depressed at times.)
My point is, no matter what the season of life or time of life, I have Jesus.
In my joy and my sorrow and my fear and my pain...just give me Jesus.
You can have all this world...Just give me Jesus.
What's in your heart today?
Saturday, April 9, 2016
What I've Learned in my Year of Motherhood
It's been about a year since my last post. And that's not ironic that it coincides with a year since my daughter's birth. I've been a little busy to say the least. Plus our laptop went capoot...I didn't want to use my work one, and I just updated my phone so it's easier to keep up with the blog.
Since my little star turned one, and I've had time to reflect, I had to force myself to sit down and write.
There is SO much advice out there in the field of "babies". I'm not saying I'm an expert by any means. However, I do like to share what I've learned. For those of you who know me, you probably know how un-perfect I am in life. For those that don't know me well, believe me, "I ain't got it all together." I try. Some days (few days), I feel "together," but my life is busy, I'm not wealthy at all, I have a full time job on top of mothering, and I have many shortcomings. So when I seek advice, I like to seek it from someone real. I thought maybe you would too. Here's my list of top lessons I've learned in my first year of Motherhood that might be useful to others and hopefully to you...
1. Pray...a lot. Praise, too.
When your heart is so full of love you feel it could burst...praise and pray. When you're so tired, so frustrated, so worried, so confused, so (fill in the blank)....pray and still praise. God's got this. That's HIS baby first, and He actually loves him or her more than you ever could (wow!) so cry out to him and trust Him.
2. At least TRY to nurse your baby.
I know it's hard. I know that not everyone can. But you can try. Believe me, it was the hardest part of taking care of a baby for me. (Warning: I'm about to get very honest here.) It hurt. It was exhausting for a while. I cried so much over the frustration. I often felt like a failure in the beginning. It made things worse when the hospital nurses got frustrated with me and that not one of them was consistent with each other on technique. What helped? God. Time. My angels/ sisters-in-law that were patient with me and prayed with me and encouraged me through it. My tip: find one experienced person to be your supporter and coach. It really can help.
Plus, there are so many health benefits for your baby and for you (including weight loss). And it saves you so much money.
Again, it wasn't easy. I worked so hard at it. For 3 months, I nursed or pumped every 2 hours. I could only succeed in one nursing position. I couldn't figure it out with a cover, so I could never do it in public. I even pumped at my classroom bathroom at lunch even (talk about multi-tasking!). But it did get easier. My schedule did ease up. And I was able to do it for 9 months. (I stopped when she kept biting.) So try it. And don't judge yourself or others if it doesn't work. Formula is NOT the end of the world.
3. Remember that you're a TEAM with the father.
I am blessed in this area because my husband is a great partner and father. I believe in God's idea of marriage, so I believe that we work together on every life decision and that he is the head of the house. But even if that's not your situation (and I know that it isn't for many women), I suggest trying to work as a team as much as possible. It doesn't mean the mother is always right, I've learned. There is compromise. But we talk about our baby together. We rotate "baby duty," and we try not to guilt trip each other when we mess up.
(Of course, if the father cannot or will not be in the picture, please don't feel bad. God is your helper. Rely on him and keep doing your best. You can do this.)
4. If you can, go cheap on items.
I know that sometimes quality demands the extra dollar. But if the product does the job and doesn't harm the child, I say go cheap. I purchased a lot of items used. Like, 98% of my items. And they've worked great. I bought the brand of diapers that were the cheapest...same with wipes, bottles, toys, and formula. I use my phone for access to free sleep music. I shop consignments and at the low-cost grocery stores. I don't have a big wallet at all, and I also don't get government assistance, so I'm frugal. But my daughter is healthy and happy. Save your dollars as much as you can.
5. Pinterest it up!
Or google it. I found the internet not so helpful for pregnancy advice; I found the doctor's advice was always best. But the internet was amazing for baby advice and ideas. Don't be ashamed to use things like're researching...and it helped me out a lot.
6. Don't obsess over a good schedule, but keep trying to make one.
It wasn't until my daughter was almost one that we set a real bedtime schedule. If I have another one, I'll probably try much sooner. It wasn't easy to establish, but it's so nice when it's established. It will change and get interrupted, so don't let it completely run your life. (For example, church is very important to us, so we interrupt the schedule for church. It doesn't ruin anything.) But it's important, and it's good for the baby and you.
7. Try making your own baby food.
News flash: It's a lot cheaper!
It's not hard either. I use fresh and frozen vegetables (again...I go with what's healthy but cheap), I purree, and I freeze. I make it once or twice a week in bulk and thaw it out when ready to use.
Plus, it is healthier (less chemicals), it smells better, it probably tastes better, and you don't have to watch for recalls because the company may have released harmful food.
8. Take lots of pictures.
Please don't spend all the time behind your phone or camera, but don't feel bad for marking great moments. I'm glad I did. One thing I bought was an app called Groovebook; you pay $2.99 a month to get 100 pictures in a cute photobook that's mailed to your place. (Yes, that price includes shipping.) This way I always had prints to keep, hang, and give to relatives. Treasure the moments!
9. Trust your kid's doctor.
First find a doctor or nurse practitioner that you love (and can afford) and trust them. The internet is great, but trust them first.
My daughter had to end up wearing a cranial helmet for 4 months. It was really hard believing that she needed it. They didn't force me at all, but they did point out the cosmetic problems she could have if it wasn't fixed now. I listened and went through with it. I'm so glad I did. After she had it removed, her doctor told me that some moms don't listen, and their babies' heads end up permanently miss shaped because they decide for themselves that it's not needed. You are the parent, the boss, and certainly not every doctor is golden, but listen to them.
10. Always be forgiving of yourself.
I've made mistakes and will make so much more. So will you. Forgive yourself. Don't beat yourself up. You're not super woman. The world DOES have a lot of ridiculous expectations for you. You can't...I can' up to them all. That's ok. That's why I restate myself when I say pray. Keep praying and keep trying. My kid doesn't always eat the healthy food...But I try. My house isn't always clean and organized...but I try. I'm not always a good example for my daughter...but I try. And I ask forgiveness. And I forgive myself as well. Be the parent God calls YOU to be. Nothing less. Nothing more.
That's what's in my heart today.
Be blessed.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Superhero Themed Classroom Reveal
Hello all! I know it's been a while, but mommy-hood has taken over a lot of my time. Wouldn't trade it for the world, though. (By the way, my little one is almost 5 months old and doing great!)
Anyway...back to my teaching topic.
Last year I switched schools and switched grades. As most of you probably know, that kind of major switch equals major stress and workload, which is why I was pretty quiet on here regarding teaching ideas. I was definitely in survival mode. Now, starting my 2nd year in my school and grade, I'm in sharing mode.
I always learn from my students when I pick my theme. I quickly learned that my 1st graders LOVE superheroes! This definitely appealed to me because I had directed a superhero themed VBS not long ago, and my church was nice enough to give me the used and leftover decorations....that I had made and acquired for them.
So say hello to my SUPER classroom!
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My classroom door |
As you walk through the door...
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A look to the right. |
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A better look at the scenery.
In my reading center, the students' fluency and comprehension level rises as they continue through the grade. I created this chart on the back of a filing cabinet using black bulletin board paper (free to most school teachers), chalk, and border that I had on hand. (I also sprayed it with hair spray so it would set.) The students will color their very own superhero image during the first week of school, which I will take and laminate and make into a magnet. As the students rise to the next reading level, they get to move their magnet to the next skyscraper, aiming for the sky! It's a GREAT incentive for the students, and a great track of data.
This is my whole group space. Some teachers have a separate carpet area, but I prefer to have mine in front of the board so I can write on it, refer to it, and use the projector on it. The charts you see on the bottom wall are from our writing curriculum, and I used painter's tape (and/or masking tape) to place them/ frame them.
The desk area.
My desk area. (Yes, I have two. One for my office supplies and one for spreading out and creating.)
I wrote the letters with chalk, and I can continue to use chalk as I add the words. My students and I really do use the word wall frequently.
I plan on posting my weekly newsletter (that I created myself) on the red bulletin board every week. If you'd like to download my FREE newsletter template from my TpT store, download it here.
Table to the left is where students will place their take-home folders (in a recycled dish drainer...ha!), lunch boxes, and backpacks (beneath the table). It's also where my class rules are posted.
Table to the right is my writing center table, and above is my special area rotation schedule.
I have to say....I'm quite proud of my homemade calendar. I used red masking tape to make the outline on my dry erase board, and now I can change it easily and write on it & decorate it however I wish. Cheap and easy! (Btw...the date boxes and 3 inches apart in case you were wondering.)
This behavior chart I downloaded for free from TpT. I added Velcro strips to the side along with numbers that I made so students can move their number up and down.
On the left, I will display my learning standards targets. On the right, I used these magnetic, dry erase circles that I got from Office Depot to use for my centers. I love it 'cuz I can use it for reading and math!
I hope you enjoyed my classroom tour! I'm ready for a great year!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
A Star Was Born.....1 Week Ago!
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Just Born |
Meet Evangeline Grace everyone! This little "star" finally made her appearance exactly 1 WEEK ago on April 1st, 2015.
I can't believe my amazing daughter is already a week old today. Where did the time go? Seriously!
Honestly, I don't know how much more my heart can take. I feel like it could burst at any moment; it's so full of love for my little girl...I didn't know it was possible to love like this. My love for my husband has also grown IMMENSELY; he is such a good daddy, and watching him dote on his daughter just makes my heart swell even more. My heart is also fragile right now, because as much as I am loving every bit of this experience, I hate how time is going by too quickly, and I hate the fear of anything bad happening to her that often tries to clutch my heart. (That's where prayers and praises come in folks; I turn to my Heavenly Father when those fears try to steal my joy)
You know, I did a lot of research before giving birth. Most of the information was spot on! From pre-labor, to labor, to the hospital experience, to postpartum....I found most of what people said to be true. However, with all the "negative" things I was warned about, like the pain, the lack of sleep, the worry of feeding, the RAGING hormones (oh my gosh btw...I cried so many tears of frustration and of joy that I don't even recognize myself...I mean, I cried over a bowel movement....a bowel movement!....because it meant that she was digesting well).
Anyway, one thing I feel that I wasn't warned about was this overwhelming love that has taken over me. The moment the nurses put Evangeline in my arms, the tears just flowed! I was enraptured at ths beautiful creation that God had loaned to me.
So far, being a mom has been the best experience of my life, and I want to cherish every single moment. For example, I don't even know how it's possible to miss someone when she is right in the crib next to me, but I do. It's the same for her daddy, too....we're pretty pathetic. lol.
Ok, well my "new mom" babbling is over. Let me introduce you to the new survey now that little one is out:
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One Week Old.....sleepy baby |
Growing Girl:How big is she?
She was born 7 lbs. 12 oz, and 20 inches long. I'm proud to say that she has gained a whole ounce since birth. Yay!
Baby Steps and Milestones: What are some major changes? Well, her facial features are more distinct since birth, and I've noticed that she loves to be cuddled on my chest.
New Challenges: What are some struggles?
At first, breast feeding was a huge struggle! It was more of my fault than hers; it was hard to figure out what exactly worked for us. However, she was so patient with me, and although I had to supplement with formula a little bit, we had it down pretty well by the third day. We're still learning, but it's going much better than at first.
Exciting Changes:What's been new and fun lately?
Watching her when she's awake. Her cry is cute (although sometimes heart breaking), but the little baby coos she makes when she's awake is sooo adorable. It's fun to see her when she's wide awake, beautiful blue eyes open, and sucking on her hands (which seems to be her favorite pastime).
The New Parents: How's Mommy and Daddy?
We're completely smitten. As Matt described it, "I feel like I've melted into one big puddle." We're also a bit sleep, ok, more than a bit.....but we wouldn't trade it for the world. I still can't believe that I get to keep her!
Steps in Faith: What has God been teaching me through her?
Patience and grace.
She is already such an example to me. I can't tell you how bad of a mother I felt when I was struggling with feeding, yet she was so patient with me and gracious as I tried to figure it out. Often times I cried harder than she did when she was hungry and struggling, but the bonding time after we were successful was so worth it. My little girl is so sweet!
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Nursery Nook
Hey Everybody! Guess what! I'm beginning Week 38...that means just 2 more weeks until my due date. I know, I know...this means that Evangeline can come any time; her schedule, not mine. Well, that doesn't mean I can't PRAY and HOPE for my own schedule. And I so I am. If I could have it MY way, Evangeline will come early in the week next week; this gives me enough time to 1) finish my last work week before my maternity leave, and 2) give me a baby a week sooner so that I can enjoy her a week longer (since it's Spring Break for this teacher). Plus, my mom (who's also a teacher) can have that week to help out her daughter (and soon to be grand-daughter) without having to worry about work herself.
I'm so excited! I'm nervous...a little...and I'm anxious to see what she looks like. I hope she is healthy! I pray there are no complications with her or the birth.
I can tell you that she IS in position to come. I've experienced a few things that basically mean she can come any day now (although I won't go into the details).
I won't say that I'd love to be pregnant a lot longer, but I will say that my body has done a pretty good job of keeping up with my busy schedule and letting me get things done. I don't know if that is the "burst of energy" rumor that moms are "supposed" to get right before the baby comes, or if it's just me being determined to be as ready as possible. You're welcome to make your own prediction. I'm just glad that I'm getting closer and closer to feeling ready....although I still need a few more days to finalize it. (So work with me little girl!)
Anyway, I realized that I haven't yet posted pictures of Evangeline's entire Nursery...or Nook, actually. My husband and I have a wonderful 1-bedroom apartment, so we're sharing our room with Little One. It's actually nice, though. There is still enough room for us both...although we are feeling as though she is slowly taking over our house. I'm pretty certain that she has more clothes than I do!
Well, for those interested, here's a tour of her beloved nook. I'll be honest; I LOVE IT. I wish I hadn't waited until night time to take all the pictures, cuz the lighting is not as nice, but these will do. Enjoy!
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The overall view when you first walk in. |
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Her changing table/ dresser (craigslist find!) |
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Adorable hair clip hanger...made by her Aunt Dotsy |
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Top right shelf |
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Bottom right shelf...wipes and cream |
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Decorations. Btw, her "Wish Book" includes all these different wishes that were written by the ladies who came to her baby shower. Each page has a different themed wish. I love it! |
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The glider I currently have on loan. |
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Her books. =) |
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Her mobile and her framed poem...made by her Nana. |
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Diaper holder that matches her crib set |
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Some of the display above her dresser |
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Some more of the display. The sign on the left is from the song she is named after...made by her Aunt Nikki. |
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The inside of her crib...for now. |
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Her initials...recycled and renovated from frames from when I was a baby. |
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