Sunday, August 5, 2012

Thanks for the Weeds!

There's is no excitement like my family dog's when she knows she's about to go for a walk. It's the funniest thing. She knows the word "walk." She knows the signals like putting our shoes on or grabbing the leash. And when she recognizes them, she barks and jumps and runs until she is officially out the door. Any other time of the day, she's on the floor or the bed relaxing. I guess she saves up all her energy for that one special treat a day - her walk.

How does this apply to me? Well, cuz lately I'm the one who has to take her. I don't mind too much, though. It gives me a chance to observe, to listen to God, and to think.

This picture was taken today on our daily walk around the block. At first look (maybe even second), all you really see is overgrowth. However, this is actually a slope down into a tiny trail deeper into the woods. During my childhood, my brothers had some big plans for building a fort down there. They spent weeks digging and collecting wood and talking to their neighborhood friends about what they were going to do in it and who they were going to allow inside. But the plans never made it very far. Over the years, the beloved "fort" was left alone, and nature took its course in filling the dug up holes with weeds.

Was I ever surprised that the fort didn't actually get built? lol. Not really. No offense to my brothers, but none of them knew a thing at all about what they were doing. Isn't that kind of the popular theme with our childhood plans, though? Not panning out and (most of the time) for a good reason?

When I look at that spot, where weeds have come in to replace plans, God reminds me of His sovereignty. Weeds are supposed to grow in the woods. Unrealistic childhood plans are supposed to fade away as maturity is learned. My brothers did a lot of growing up during the time that they let the "fort" dream go.

I've done a lot of growing up, too. Recently, I had plans, and I ignored the unrealistic aspects of them because I was focused on the wrong things. For instance, I thought my dream job awaited me in South Florida this school year. It seemed like God was leading me there. But He wasn't. He showed me the truth about my circumstances and my heart's desires, and then He shut the door. I was devastated and ashamed. My "fort" was closing in, and soon it would be unrecognizable due to all the weeds taking over. But then God opened up some doors right here in Central Florida. He's been molding and shaping my heart as well. The growth that I thought were weeds were actually reasons. When I left my "fort" alone, God took over. I believe that God is providing me with something better.

When we look at our failed plans or dreams, do we see them as forts strangled by weeds? Do we think, "Oh  God, how could You let such a thing happen? Don't You love me God? I guess not." Or could we look at them again and see reasons instead of weeds? Dreams fade. Plans break. People pass. Places change. And although I'm not trying to say that this world is not cruel (for it is due to sin), I am saying that God lets these things happen to His children for good reasons. Could we not thank Him for the weeds reasons? 

I hope you enjoyed peering into what's in my heart today. I pray You think about it.

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