Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"I Have, Who Has" Vocabulary Game

It's been a great school year so far in that I feel much more prepared (experience and curriculum wise) and very much in love with my class this year. They are some of the sweetest kids I've ever met!

On the other hand, it is ironic that my "technology themed classroom" has about zip technology resources right now. I have been, and still am, battling my projector (made in the dinosaur ages) this year, and right now, it is winning. This includes a long story, but to keep it short and simple, my most prized resource tool (which is old school to begin with) will probably not be available to me until I raise enough money to buy my own. (I am growling inside at this.)

Since we're on this topic, I might as well share this thought with you. I believe that an effective teacher needs 3 things in order to keep his/her classroom constantly engaging, up to date, organized, fun, accurate, and challenging: time, resources, and money. (I know...all of you veteran teachers are laughing right now..."Who gets those?" you might be asking.) I also believe that if a teacher has just a good source of just 1 of these things, then the teacher can use that to make up for the other two. For instance, if a teacher has enough time in a day to work, then resources can be made from more inexpensive materials. If a teacher has the needed resources available, then it helps make up for lack of time and money. And, of course, if a teacher had enough money, then he/she could buy the needed resources and then save more time. ( teacher has that one....but it goes along with the theory.) Why am I going on and on about this? Because I don't have ONE right now. Planning periods are rare, money is extremely low (lower than the average teacher's salary), and I am not provided with the resources I need or want.

Ok. Whining over. It doesn't matter what I don't have in my profession - we teachers still are expected to make miracles happen, and so that's what I'm trying to do. With a lot of prayer and determination, I am making things work. So, I present my Vocab game/ activity (finally):

Without a projector, I'm usually spending a lot of time writing on my white board.....a lot of time. This vocab game does not require me to write anything down.

Once a week, my students gain about 15-20 new vocab words they will be quizzed on. Once a week, I make them create fun and colorful flashcards for their words to study with. Nearing their quiz, we review the words with the "I Have, Who Has" activity.

1. The students pick 2-4 (you pick the number) vocab flashcards.
2. The teacher holds the master list of the definitions.
3. The teacher begins the game by asking, "Who has ______insert-definition-here_________?"
4. Students who have the vocab word that matches the definition just calls raises their hands.
5. The teacher calls on one of the students, and the student then answers, "I have ___insert-term-here___, who has ______insert-new-definition-here____?"
6. The process goes on and on until either all vocab words have been read or until all students have had a chance to play. If there is not a student who has a matching word, the teacher takes another turn.

"I Have, Who Has" can be done many different ways, but this was a great activity that requires little to no prep time from the teacher. It's hands-on, fun, and different.

Teachers, sometimes we forget that not all resources have be brought with a "bang!" This was low-key, but sometimes the low-key resources and activities work the best.

Stay tuned for some more easy, simple resources and activities coming up on the blog.

Finally, if you are reading this and can identify with my "whining" and/or my no-tech, low prep resources and activities, I would love to hear your story. Maybe you even have an idea to pass on! I would love to feature you on here!

Hang in there, teachers. Let's keep making miracles!

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