Monday, November 10, 2014

Baby Update #3

Hello, hello! Another week, another update! I just love filling out these things; it helps make my pregnancy journey seem more real. During the work day, I forget ALL the time that I'm pregnant...partly because I'm very focused on my students, and partly because I'm expected to keep my condition a secret from my class for as long as possible. But when I'm here, sharing this wonderful news with you, I'm reminded again, and it brightens up my whole week!

I will be honest and tell you that this week hasn't been very exciting as far as progress goes. However, NEXT week is set to be VERY exciting because next week I will be sharing the gender reveal! Yup. If all goes well on Thursday, Matt and I will finally know the secret...and we're planning an awesome photo shoot on Saturday pass it on with our loved ones. (I'm extremely excited about it!)

Before I finally share my little weekly survey, I do want to ask for prayers. This is going to be the first sonogram since our first doctor's appointment when the pregnancy was actually confirmed at 9 weeks. I'm battling fear again because I still have not felt the baby move inside me. The heartbeat has always been fine, but I can't help but worry a little that something might be wrong. When we see our baby, I pray that we will also see that he or she looks very healthy and fine. (And in case you are wondering, I have chosen not to do the blood test that could reveal anything wrong, such as down syndrom, because of a couple reasons: 1) the test would not change our view of the child or our decision to carry the baby to longest term possible, and 2) I feel that it would only cause me stress...I've known many parents who were told that their children would be born with special needs, and the babies were born to reveal it was a I denied that certain test, and my doctor was very understanding. He also said that most of the time the sonogram would reveal anything majorly wrong. I also ask that you don't try to change my mind about the blood test, because I'm not going to change it. It's our decisions as parents.)

Ok, now for the official update:

How far along am I?  20 weeks (5 months)

How big is the baby? About the size of a banana...and again, I still haven't felt any movement.

How am I feeling? Morning sickness has been more constant than ever! At the same time, it's only in the morning...the rest of the day I am fine. I'm also slowly getting my normal appetite back, so that makes me happy. 

What am I craving? Not really anything in particular, although I'm trying very hard to DRINK a lot more water.

How is sleep going? Fine...until about 5:30 - 6:30 a.m. when my achy tummy wakes me up if my alarm hasn't already. 

How big am I? Still about the same; I have a belly, but it's not any bigger than the one I already had. lol. Just firmer.

Symptoms I hate: It's more so that I hate the LACK of the symptom I've been waiting for: I hate that I haven't been able to feel my baby, which is supposed to happen 17-20 weeks. 

Symptoms I love: ....hmm...well, I love that I get to see him or her in a couple of days! Does that count?

How's the hubs? He gets sweeter every week. Right now he's cleaning the kitchen while also cooking dinner...after getting home from grocery shopping. He's very protective. When he greets me now, he says, "Hey babies!" It's cute. 


  1. I'm thrilled for y'all!!! Don't worry about not feeling your bundle of joy move just yet. I didn't feel JoAnne early or at 20 weeks. I was worried all the time praying every time I felt worried asking God to protect her/him. Even when I started feeling her move or kick it wouldn't be as much as the drs told me to count so that worried me until I was in the middle of a sonogram and the technician said wow that was a big kick (I didn't feel it) and I asked her why I wasn't able to feel her move as much, she said because she's probably too big. I disagreed with her because it doesn't make sense if something is bigger you'd feel them move, smaller they are would make it harder to feel (at least that's what I think). We didn't do the blood test either. Hang in there. That precious baby is very blessed to have a protective momma :-).
