Monday, January 5, 2015

Baby Update: Third Trimester is finally beginning!

I know that it seems like a while since I've posted on here. It has definitely been on my mind, but honestly, there haven't been too many changes since last post to talk about. However, today marks the day I officially begin my 3rd trimester! I'm 28 weeks today.

Well.....there have been a few "changes" since last post.

I've taken the nasty glucose test, and my appointments are now 2 weeks apart instead of 4. I have received lots of adorable clothes for my little girl, which I am SO grateful for and excited about. (There is one dress she has that I like to leave hanging on my closet door; it's just so precious, and it always makes me feel happy. Even Matthew awws at it when he sees it.)

We have registered at Target for baby items. You can find us at Joy or Matt Williams if you are interested.

So far we have Evangeline's crib, dresser/changing table, stroller/car seat, her bedding, some nursery decorations, clothes, and few odds and ends. Not everything is set up yet, but when it is, you'll be guaranteed pictures. (Believe me. I'm aching to get started.)

But the thing I'm most excited to share about is the new devotional I just got in the mail today (see picture above). It's a devotional for expectant mothers, and I wish I had thought to buy one a long time ago. I'm most excited about it because one concern that has been on my heart lately is the resounding question I keep asking myself: "Am I going to be a good mother?" I'm not just talking about a mom who loves and supports and cares for her child. I'm talking about being a godly mother who guides her child in the ways of the Lord. A mother who disciplines and holds high (though not impossible) expectations for her. A mother who is consistent. A mother who is in the Word OFTEN and whose prayer life is a good example for her daughter. A mother who is not perfect but points to the One who IS perfect; who urges her daughter to KNOW Jesus....not just about Jesus, not just about how "church going" is important, but KNOWS Him and loves Him and follows Him. That is my definition of a good mother, and it's the description I hope to achieve. It's also a scary thought because I know that I will fail some days and that Evangeline will still make mistakes and disobey, for she's human, and humans are naturally sinful. I've been worrying over the fact that I could do everything right, and yet she could still choose to make poor decisions in life; she could choose to decide not to follow Jesus. That potential choice of hers scares me the most.

However, my God is so good, and He has been working on my heart lately. I DO have a tough job ahead of me. How Matt and I raise her and guide her is extremely important, and we are going to have to work very hard to keep ourselves in check with God's Word and God's family. But God.....God is the ultimate parent of this baby. She is HIS before she is ours. The Holy Spirit is who will guide her decisions in life, and even though my role as her parent is very crucial to her life decision to follow Jesus, it is God who is in control. Above all else, I am to pray for her. As I have begun finally letting go of my fears and just letting God take my cares, I find such peace in praying for my little girl. She is safe in His arms.

I'm very excited about my morning devotions being guided by this book so I can better prepare my heart to be a godly mother. This has been what is in my heart lately.

...And for those of you who are still reading this long post, here's more "update" info. lol. Thanks for reading!

How far along am I?  28 weeks (7 months)

How big is the baby? About the size of a head of romaine lettuce. She's between 1-2 pounds.

How am I feeling? Pretty good actually. I still have yet to go a whole week without "morning" sickness, but it has been much better. I'm definitely tired more in the evenings, and too much walking causes stomach pains, but overall, I'm pretty good.  

What am I craving?  Eh, no specific cravings still, BUT I can stomach more raw fruits and veggies now, so I'm trying to incorporate more into my diet to give Evangeline the nutrition she needs.  

How is sleep going? Ugh. How I loooonnnggg to sleep on my stomach again!

How big am I? Belly is bigger! People are starting to notice now. I haven't gained any weight at all....but for the first time since being pregnant, I haven't lost any either. Honestly, I really like the fact that weight gain hasn't been bad. I bought my first maternity pants the other day, and it was strange because I had to buy a size down in order for the legs to fit right....but yet the whole point is buying paints so the waist can expand. lol. Very ironic, for sure!  

Symptoms I hateThe most? Hmm....lately it's been not being able to find a comfortable sleeping position.

Symptoms I love: Still feeling her move.

How's the hubs? Still very excited. Still enthralled by his daughter. Loves it when he can feel her kick. I think he's been kind of in the same boat as me in regards to pondering the extreme importance in being a good, godly parent, but we'll be traveling this journey together, keeping each other accountable, figuring things out together, and praying together about our daughter, too.   

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