
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Top 10 Blessings in Winter

Hello everyone.

It seems that almost every season, I remember how much I love writing these "Top Whatevers," so I am happy to write one for winter.

Before I begin, though, I wanted to give you a little follow up of my last post. I was kind of hesitant about writing it at first, for I feared that I would have a page view of angry parents telling me I didn't know what I was talking about. However, I had the apposite reaction, and I was extremely encouraged with comments inspiring me to BE one of those voices I talked about wanting to hear. I'm still young in life, in marriage, and I still have a few years before I embrace or give up on parenting. I don't know if I have the experience yet to write much, but I am thinking and praying about it. What insight from my life could I share with others?

Hmm....anyway...I just wanted you to know that I'm contemplating my life's story, particularly my life without kids right now, and I'd appreciate any prayer you'd be willing to offer up for me as I pursue God's will in this.

Ok now, let's get back to the fun post. (Well, fun for me anyway. lol.)

My Top Ten Praises.....yeah, I decided to keep it positive.

1. I love being able to work out at the gym again! I especially love doing this with my husband. It's been tough these past couple of days due to some minor health reasons, but I'm determined to get back at it. It's reshaping my life.

2. I've been finding some great life organizational tips that are working great, and although I still don't have it all together everyday, I'm getting better.

3. I'm still thankful to be a teacher.

4. I'm so thankful for my extremely understanding husband. He listens to every intimate detail of my life when I want to share it with him, and he doesn't complain.

5. I've been eating better for about a year now. Desserts are extremely rare, there are less carbs in the day (especially at dinner time - worst time to eat carbs it turns out), better-for-me meats, and more fruits and vegetables.

6. I love how an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts can keep me going STRONG for 12 hours straight....although I hate that I can't afford to have one everyday.

7. I am finding blessings in life..slowly...when before I counted them as hardships. For example, if my day goes according to how I like and plan it, I go to work to teach, then paperwork/planning a couple hours, then go home to cook & clean, then NAP, then get up and go to the gym 'til about 11 p.m., then sleep 'til about 6 a.m. Now, could I do that if I had kids. NO!!! But I don't have any, so I'm counting my blessings.

8. I am thankful that Jesus has promised to come back, for I'm not sure how much longer this world is going to last. (a.k.a. people get dumber and more sinful by the SECOND).

9. I love the cold weather. Yes, even the wet, cold weather like today. LOVE it!!! I'd much rather be cold than hot.

10. I'm thankful for the good, pleasing, and perfect will that God has for me, even when I'm only half sure of what that might be for tomorrow.

I hope you can find at least 10 things to be thankful for today.

What's in YOUR heart today?

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