
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Baby Girl Update #4

Hi guys! You know, there is actually a reason I'm updating this a little later in the week....I wanted to wait until after my Dr's appointment (which was yesterday). I'm glad I did, too! Evangeline Grace has been so active the last couple of days that they had to do a sonogram to check for her heartbeat....she wouldn't stay still enough to just check for the beat. She is fine and dandy! Her heartbeat is strong, and she was even facing the camera for us. I was so excited to be able to see her again.

Also, our baby items are coming together. So far we have purchased her crib, her dresser/changing table, her stroller/car seat, and her bedding set. We have even received 2 ADORABLE baby girl gift baskets from friends! I was completely blown away by the pink cuteness they contained. This part is so much fun! And our church set my baby shower date. How exciting!

So, now for the update on baby girl and me:

How far along am I?  22 weeks (5 and a half months)

How big is the baby? About the size of a spaghetti squash! (Which seems huge to me!)

How am I feeling? Morning sickness is still there...but since I'm off most of this week from home, I'm hoping to have a week off from the nausea. And I'm really hoping my appetite lets me enjoy Thanksgiving! There are too many good dishes to pass up....or throw up!

What am I craving?  Well, the other day I devoured a bag of popcorn...and then a carton of ice cream. I don't know if one-time things count...but I can report that Evangeline seemed to have LOVED the ice cream! (Lots of movement afterwards.)

How is sleep going? Pretty good. I actually slept in really late today! That hasn't happened in a while.

How big am I? Well, even though my weight went down AGAIN this month (that's about 30 pounds total now), I definitely notice that my belly is more full and round than before. You probably can't notice a drastic change, but there is a change. 

Symptoms I hate: Nausea still. 

Symptoms I love: That I can feel her MOVE!!!! Soooooo happy about that! 

How's the hubs? He was even more thrilled than I was to be able to see his daughter on the screen again yesterday. Also, he is working on memorizing the song, "Ma Belle Evangeline" from Princess and the Frog. I cannot wait to hear him singing it to her while she rests in his arms, but for now, he sings it to my stomach....if he's not playing Allan Jackson into my belly button. lol.

My heart is very THANKFUL this evening! What about you? 

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