
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Baby Update #2

It's been so wonderful to be back at blogging again, especially since I am in the middle of such an exciting time. Well, it's been about a week, and since the doctor tells me to measure everything by weeks, its is TIME for a new update!

How far along am I?   19 weeks on Monday

How big is the baby? About the size of an heirloom tomato; arms and legs are now pretty proportionate to the body, and the scalp could possible be growing some hair!
Just to answer this question off the bat...although the baby is moving, I still do not feel any movement. No quickening, no kicking, no hiccups. But I'm looking forward to the moment (which could be any time now) when I can feel it. Don't worry; I'll let you know when it happens. 

How am I feeling? Ugh! Seriously, this morning sickness needs to stop! I had to leave from work on Friday because it was really bad ...the whole day. Not every mom-to-be stops feeling queasy around week we'll see how long it lasts for me. 

What am I craving? Milk. It's not that I crave it all the time, but I definitely want a couple of glasses of it a day. String cheese has also been high on my list...I guess I have a thing for calcium. Hm.

How is sleep going? I wish I could stop my habit of rolling over on my belly because it wakes me up since it's uncomfortable. 

How big am I? Well...I went to the doctor this week, and I've lost more weight, which normally would make me ecstatic. lol. I'm hoping to carry this luck AFTER the baby is born. Anyway, the doctor's not worried about it. My belly is still growing more firm, and I'm pretty positive I'm going to need to buy a new pair of jeans soon. So, it's not overly obvious yet (remember, I started with a belly), but it's cool to see the growth from my eyes.

Symptoms I hate: Ugh Ugh Morning Sickness!!!

Symptoms I love: I love poking my belly to feel how FIRM it is. lol. that weird?

How's the hubs? Oh so very anxious to find out the gender...which could be next week! And he, as well as I, love to go to our doctor's visits. Even hearing the heartbeat is the highlight of our month!

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