
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Baby Update! 31 weeks and counting!

Her mobile above her crib, hand made by my mommy.

Here's a quick update on the baby and me.

How far along am I?  31 weeks (almost 8 months)

How big is the baby? About the size of a pineapple (about 3 pounds)

How am I feeling? I have a praise - the nausea is gone! Yay!!!! ...I do feel a lot bigger now, and I feel a lot more pressure, but my mornings are WAY easier now.

What am I craving?  Nothing in particular, but milk is still extra appreciated. And I'm always thirsty, so I go through a lot of water bottles.

How is sleep going? Ugh. The fatigue at the end of a long day is really the only thing that keeps me knocked out....definitely not the comfort of my mattress anymore. (I hate sleeping on my back.)

How big am I? I think I gained half a pound since I last lost weight. The doctor said everything is ok with that; my calories are just mostly going to 'baby,' which is FINE with me! However, my belly is definitely bigger! It's starting to get to that basketball shape, and people are finally noticing, which I love. (I like knowing I look pregnant...not just fat.)

Symptoms I hate: Well, there's the whole "sleep isn't fun anymore" thing. But right now, it's the waiting. I need her to wait until spring break (at the end of March), but at the same time, I can hardly wait for that time to get here.  

Symptoms I love: Feeling more energetic in the morning. I used to sleep in all the time, but not anymore, and so I get a lot more done in the day.  

How's the hubs? He put together her crib a week ago - paint job and all. It's beautiful! He also rearranged our bedroom so we have a nice baby nook, and he hung her mobile (which you see in the picture). He's already such a good daddy, and he's an even more amazing husband right now. I'm so blessed to have a great partner in parenting and in life!!!!

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