
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cute Classroom and Zany Z's

Hi all! I know...I's been a long time. Not that you couldn't go a day without me or anything, but still - it's been a while since I've been on here, and that's a little strange for me considering the abundance of great news I've had coming at me.

I've learned a lot this past year (whoa! understatement!), and one very important lesson learned is to be thankful, thankful, and more thankful for the amazing blessings God showers upon us.

I'm still so thankful for my job! I'm teaching 6th grade and I love it. One minute they're kindergartners in big bodies, and the next, they're aspiring young adults. Most of the time in between, they are talkative and hilarious!

So I thought I'd share a couple of collages with you (from my picture-a-day project) to show the best two-part summary of my life right now:

This explains my week during new teacher orientation. I don't have many complaints; I love my work place (school) and the people. The Sunday before I began God gave me a picture to ponder (Weeds or Reasons), and then I began using whatever cheap resources I could find to prepare my room. Some were beautiful gifts, some were what others call garbage (hehe), and some were already supplied. When I finally was able to begin my Word Wall, I paused, jumped up and down with excitement while squealing, hoped that no one saw me doing that activity through my class window, and then shared my smile with facebook. It was a good beginning.

My first week of actual teaching is the subject of my second collage. I'll just tell the story 1 picture at a time (going down the rows):

1. Jotting down the madness.
2. Expectations with a fun rap.
3. Crafty bulletin board = check off dream list.
4. Scrapbook paper "Good job!" board.
5. Wonderful view looking on back.
6. Push the "boring" stuff to the corner. (j/k.....j/k)
7. Attendance/behavior/location tree. Works SO well!
8. Over abundance of snot rages.
9. 13 hour shifts.
10. Official stamp.
11. Chocolate from husband; message from God.
12. Oh so ready to catch some Z's!

Hope you had fun viewing! I had fun sharing

.......straight from the heart!

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