
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Glorious Oxymorons

In case any of you have been curious about my life since I last posted about a century ago, please rest assured that you haven't missed too much big news. That's not bad, of course. I still love my career, still appreciate my class, still work hard to keep the class (and classroom) afloat, still tired by Friday, and still thankful for all of God's wonderful blessings.

Here's what's been on my mind I felt the need to share.....

Lately I've been thinking about where I live and how much I enjoy the contrast of what is to my left and what is to my right. I live in a town that's not too exciting by itself, but to my left is that big city of Mickey Mouse, and to my right is one of the most famous beaches in the world. It's fun to have both at my fingertips.

My church is awesome. It's contemporary and different....more different than any other church I've been a part of. I love much! And yet, there are an abundance of people who love everything southern. I just find that quiet humerous.

The state where I have lived most of my life can never make up its mind on what temperature it wants to keep. It can be freezing one day and summer living the next. It can be cold in the afternoon and warm after the sun goes down. There is no AC in my class room, and so the Christmas decorations seem kind of silly when we're all aching for a cool breeze. Shorts one day and sweaters the next.

So far, I've listed some pretty well established oxymoronic situations. Town of big city and surf-worthy waves. Country loving contemporary church. Warm state pretending it's winter. Hot chocolate overlooking the beach.

What am I getting at?

Some things don't seem to go together. When things don't make sense, we (or at least I) get very frustrated. Yet God, who invented order, brings beauty out of chaos, and He has reminded me of this in the little things in my life. Crazy combos! Merry mixes! Wonderful wake up calls!

And what better time to remember this than Christmas, when we celebrate how the King of Kings, the Creator of the Universe, the Lion of Judah......came to earth by being born  inside a stinky stable filled with hay among lowly shepherds and a poor couple from nowhere considered important.How beautiful! How glorious!

So what's in your heart today?

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