
Friday, July 19, 2013

Last Year's Top 20

So it's not like I've intentionally been avoiding this blog. Things have happened. Life hasn't been too bad. It's just been busy!

But here. I think you'll like this.

Some new things learned (or experienced) since I last posted:

1. Teaching is really hard. It's really stressful, time consuming, and I really hate it when teenagers try to fight me. I just do.

2. I love my church. I don't know how I could live in this town without it. Such a blessing!

3. I love, love, love my (well...our....if you count my husband) apartment! It's perfect for us at this time in our lives.

4. My work often leaves me feeling like I've just been beat up when I come home.

5. I love my phone, but I don't like important phone calls. This is why the internet is so amazing, especially since it's on my phone!

6. Pinterest is THE cook book for 20 something women. It's the how-to-everything for the young women of my generation.

7. I don't know how I would survive without cable TV sometimes. Nick at Night is very helpful for my sleepless nights (like tonight! ha!)

8. My husband is still wonderful. He has enough adventurous personality for the both of us.

9. Camping in the summer is not glorious. Who ever started the rumor that it is glorious? Who?!

10. I love summer SO much! The humidity and heat might be intense, but the break is more refreshing than I can describe. Really. My only complaint is that it is too short.

11. I kind of feel like babies are popping out of people everywhere. Except me, of course. Some days it makes me sad, but lately I've been like, "Hey. I think I'm good."

12. Did I mention that I find my job kind of stressful?

13. My husband and I have found a new found passion for a certain type of ministry that neither of us ever thought we would. (More on that later.)

14. Jobs are becoming more and more scarce, our government is becoming more and more terrifying, and stupid people are spreading their stupidity more rapid than usual. It's disturbing.

15. Four pics, One word is a very addicting app. Just saying.

16. I'm turning 25, and although I never thought I'd be one of these people, I must say it: Kinda feeling old and afraid that I missed out on my 20's.

17. Taylor Swift (who I like, don't get me wrong) lied about something: You don't always get to live in a big city while the mean people stay cooped up in a dead beat town with no future. Guess what! The mean people OFTEN get more exciting futures than the nice people! (It's ok if you feel betrayed. I've been there....and now I'm moving on...and so should you.)

18. Even though being a grown up stinks sometimes, I'm still SO GLAD to be done with school and only having to worry about keeping up with my career.

19. Two years ago to the day, I was up randomly like this before. There was something wrong; I could feel it. I had the urge to cry, but did not know why. (Yup. That ryhmed.) I drove to the beach to watch the sun rise. Then I got a phone call that one of the heroes of my life, one of the few women I hold most dear, passed away. I haven't talked to my nana in almost 2 years now, and I miss her like crazy, but I'm still so happy she is where she is. Heaven, I hear, is a wonderful place!

20. Hugs can never be over rated. Ever.

So what's in my heart right now? Tiredness, and little bit of sadness (due to lesson #19), stress when I think about going back into the classroom, and thankfulness that things are much better right now than they were this time 2 year and even 1 year ago. God has carried me through so much!

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