Sunday, March 15, 2015

Nursery Nook

Hey Everybody! Guess what! I'm beginning Week 38...that means just 2 more weeks until my due date. I know, I know...this means that Evangeline can come any time; her schedule, not mine. Well, that doesn't mean I can't PRAY and HOPE for my own schedule. And I so I am. If I could have it MY way, Evangeline will come early in the week next week; this gives me enough time to 1) finish my last work week before my maternity leave, and 2) give me a baby a week sooner so that I can enjoy her a week longer (since it's Spring Break for this teacher). Plus, my mom (who's also a teacher) can have that week to help out her daughter (and soon to be grand-daughter) without having to worry about work herself.

I'm so excited! I'm nervous...a little...and I'm anxious to see what she looks like. I hope she is healthy! I pray there are no complications with her or the birth.

I can tell you that she IS in position to come. I've experienced a few things that basically mean she can come any day now (although I won't go into the details).

I won't say that I'd love to be pregnant a lot longer, but I will say that my body has done a pretty good job of keeping up with my busy schedule and letting me get things done. I don't know if that is the "burst of energy" rumor that moms are "supposed" to get right before the baby comes, or if it's just me being determined to be as ready as possible. You're welcome to make your own prediction. I'm just glad that I'm getting closer and closer to feeling ready....although I still need a few more days to finalize it. (So work with me little girl!)

Anyway, I realized that I haven't yet posted pictures of Evangeline's entire Nursery...or Nook, actually. My husband and I have a wonderful 1-bedroom apartment, so we're sharing our room with Little One. It's actually nice, though. There is still enough room for us both...although we are feeling as though she is slowly taking over our house. I'm pretty certain that she has more clothes than I do!

Well, for those interested, here's a tour of her beloved nook. I'll be honest; I LOVE IT. I wish I hadn't waited until night time to take all the pictures, cuz the lighting is not as nice, but these will do. Enjoy!
The overall view when you first walk in.
Her changing table/ dresser (craigslist find!)

Adorable hair clip hanger...made by her Aunt Dotsy

Top right shelf

Bottom right shelf...wipes and cream

Decorations. Btw, her "Wish Book" includes all these different wishes that were written by the ladies who came to her baby shower. Each page has a different themed wish. I love it!

The glider I currently have on loan.

Her books. =) 

Her adorable crib. (Garage sale find!) Sanded down and painted by her daddy. 
(Oh, and I know that I'll probably take the bumpers off...and she won't have her stuffed animals and blanket in the crib when she's sleeping for safety reasons, but I wanted to keep it there to look at for now.)

Her mobile and her framed poem...made by her Nana.

I just love this! My mom made the board, and the moon and stars are made with glow-in-the-dark paint, each decorated by the ladies who came to her shower. It's a great little night light above her crib.

Diaper holder that matches her crib set

Some of the display above her dresser

Some more of the display. The sign on the left is from the song she is named after...made by her Aunt Nikki. 

The inside of her crib...for now.

Her initials...recycled and renovated from frames from when I was a baby.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

9th Month, Here You Are! (36 weeks baby update)

just a glimpse of her baby nook

Hello everyone! I feel like it's been forever since I've updated this, and honestly, even though I technically don't have time to be on here now, I'm doing it anyway. I don't know if anyone really enjoys reading my baby update posts, but I love writing them; it's so nice being able to talk about this experience.

So....speaking of busy, that's how I've felt for the last couple of weeks, and it's only about to get worse. I mean, ladies and gentlemen, we are in the final countdown stage, and things won't slow down once Evangeline Grace makes her appearance. Among work prep, doctor's visits, and birth and baby classes, I often feel a little overwhelmed. I know it's all worth it though, and I can't wait to see the prep work turn into baby-is-here work. (I hope I won't regret that last sentence later. lol.)

So, without giving away too much information, here's the update:

How far along am I?  36 weeks (9 months baby!!!)

How big is the baby? Should be between 5 and 6 pounds now. Wow!

How am I feeling? Hmm. Well, my nausea has decided to come visit me again...yay. But at least it's not all day....usually just early in the morning. I also have been really battling fatigue these past few days...along with more frequent hunger and hot flashes. 

What am I craving?  I might as well just delete this question. I do get hungry, but I don't get cravings.

How is sleep going? So. Not. Fun.

How big am I? Definitely rocking the bowling ball baby bump! Some still don't think I look "that" big, but my belly measures in at the exact week I'm supposed to be every time. Plus I've totally got the pregnant waddle down. 

Symptoms I hateRight now, what's #1 on my list is having to pee all the dang time! 

Symptoms I love: Feeling her move, feeling my belly grow, and feeling my own excitement grow.

How's the hubs? We're both very excited and a little freaked out that I have less than 4 weeks until my due date! Ahhh! We're about to be responsible for another human, and our lives will literally NEVER be the same again!