About This Blog

I've heard it said, "Write what you know." Well, at 25 years old, I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I 'know.' lol. All I can really offer is what's in my heart, hence the name of my blog site. (Which is supposed to be a cute play on words if you know my name and the popular children's song.)

First of all, I gave my heart to God a long time ago, so He's a big part of my blogging. Second, my sweet husband, amazing family, and many passions, goals, and desires will be weaved throughout my blogs as well. Finally, I am a teacher, and it is not only my "dream-come-true" career, but it is my MISSION FIELD. I look forward to sharing these life aspects with you readers.

Another thing to know about me: I am very blessed! God has carried me through life since I can remember, and although it hasn't been often easy (then again, who's life is?), He has never failed to remind me of the showers of blessings He has poured out on me. First, He loved me enough to save me, His presence is always near, He gave me a big family of seven to grow up and become close with, He has provided me with the education that I need to follow His plan for my life, and last but not least, He has given me a new family - my husband, Matthew, and his personal family. Although I am weak in strength sometimes to remember my blessings instead of my problems, let this be my testimony right here on blogspot - My God Has Blessed Me!

You may wonder, "So why exactly do you feel the need to fill another webpage with about-you stories and ideas?" lol. Let me be honest....I'm not sure yet. Maybe that answer will become clearer as I continue this. But, hey, like I said: I won't admit to "knowing" that much. All I can say is that by reading other blogs by other Christian friends and acquaintances, it's been on my heart to try it. Also, I feel called to share some of my teaching ideas with the world.(Who knows? It might actually help someone out.) I like to think that God is going to use it somehow.God has given me today, and so I want to share that with you.

So what's down in my heart today? Love, nervousness, excitement, and wonder. How about you?

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