Sunday, December 3, 2017

12 Days of Christmas: A Family Adventure

Our family is a little tired of the commercial, all-about-presents mentality of Christmas. We love focusing on the birth of our Savior. We also love celebrating the season. Honestly, when I think back to my childhood Christmases, the memories I hold most dear are the traditions and experiences I hadwith my family! Presents were fun, but experiences were more precious.

However, it's hard to focus on simple experiences when we're running around, spending way too much money on "perfect" presents.

So, although our kiddos are going to have gifts to open this year, we decided to spend more energy on experiences. We made a plan to have something to look forward to almost every day leading up to Christmas. We call it our 12 Days of Christmas Adventure.

Feel free to look at our plan and maybe even adopt a plan of your own.
(Please keep in mind that our plans are designed for our location, budget, and preferences...but I'd love to see what others come up with!)
Day 1- Decorate for Christmas
Day 2 - Visit Santa at the Mall
Day 3 -"Polar Express Train Ride" at a local town event/ Roast marshmallows & drink hot cocoa at home
Day 4 - Holiday Boat Parade at local beach town
Day 5 - "Apalachee Baptist Christmas Program" (concert event)
Day 6 - School Christmas program
Day 7 - City Christmas Parade/ Movie Night
Day 8 - Make Christmas ornaments
Day 9 - Snowman Pancakes for Dinner
Day 10 - Make Gingerbread Houses & Christmas Cookies
Day 11 - Look at Christmas Lights/ Christmas Carol & Cookie Gifts to neighbors
Day 12 - Christmas Baking/ Game Night with "Snowman Soup"
Christmas Eve. - Church service/ Birthday cake for Jesus/ Read Christmas story
Christmas Day - Gift Exchange/ Family Meal

Thursday, October 26, 2017

What this picture doesn't show....

In this picture, I captioned what I said in the moment...when I was cuddling my baby boy and my daughter crawled up on my bed and snuggled in close. "I have both my babies with me!" It was such a sweet moment that I just had to snap a pic.

However, after uploading it to social media, I looked at this "perfect" little moment and, this isn't a very good representation of the day.

So I thought I'd share what this picture DOESN'T show.

It doesn't show that not even an hour earlier, I had to clean up a huge poopy accident on my daughter's first day of wearing "big girl" panties. (And I didn't handle it very gracefully.)

It doesn't show that my toddler is just getting over a cold and that my one month old is currently fighting one...which scares me.

It doesn't show the hours of sleep a mom of 2 DOESN'T get.

It doesn't show that I hadn't smiled that big all day because lately I feel like a failure at everything...especially in the mom department.

And of course a picture can't show all that, but I realized as soon as I hit the share button that I'm doing what (probably) everyone else does. I shared a very brief, sweet moment of my day, and since that's all I shared with the world, that's all they see. It makes it very easy to judge and compare and assume that way.

I'm constantly comparing myself to what I think I see in the lives of others. Now I really I comparing apples & oranges?

The reason I'm sharing this is because I thought it'd be nice if one of my seemingly perfect friends shared their true, flaw filled, stressful moments behind their brief, sweet ones. It would help me feel not so alone and not so much of a failure.

So if you're feeling down, don't feel alone. Look at this sweet picture, and then take it in knowing my day was no where near as sweet as that moment (although the moment was very sweet).

Take heart fellow friend! We both fail a little and thrive a little. It's not all picture perfect. That's ok.

What's in your heart today?

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Just Give Me....

LOL. Oh, there are many things that come to mind when I start this phrase....Just give me...

A break.
Some sun and waves.
A maid.
My younger body.
A million dollars.


A sign that it's all going to be ok?

Am I the only one who has these thoughts or conversations with myself? I think not.

Life seems to be spinning a lot faster as I exit my 20's. And as it spins faster, the "curve balls" and the "blessings" (that sometimes feel like curve balls) come at you harder.

I could go on about how this new phase of life feels, but many of you know how it feels. I could go on about life's troubles, however "hidden" they may be for each person, but again, you know how that feels too. So this blog is a bit more like a strand of thoughts that go through my mind throughout many of my days, and although some may be familiar and some may be odd, I hope they are encouraging for you...

When I go to bed anxious about tomorrow's worries,
I have Jesus right beside me. He's my assurance.

When I wake up with my stomach turning because now I have to face the day's worries,
I have Jesus who's going to walk me through the day.

When ministry calls...and calls...and calls....and I wonder if I can give any bit more...
Jesus reminds me that He always gave more, always gives more, and that He has the strength to do it. If only I'd stop giving of myself and let Him give through me. Then all of a sudden, when I release control, I'm not giving....but I am receiving.

When money seems to always somehow be a problem,
I have Jesus to remind me, "Look at the lilies of the field, Joy....I will take care of you."

When unexpected "blessings" come my way, but oh how it feels like a burden right now,
I have Jesus to talk to, to listen, and to whisper at different times, "Trust me."

When I look back at pictures and pine for the past...for whatever reason...
I am reminded that I had Jesus then...and I have Jesus now....and eventually, Jesus gives me new great memories in the making.

When I think about all the people who find me so "stupid" for believing in Jesus,
Jesus makes himself clearer to me through my own little miracles.

When I can't find any motivation to get up,
Jesus give me music...He reminds me to think about Him...just Him. Then His strength comes.

When there really is no one to talk to who will actually understand EVERYTHING I'm going through...
Jesus is there. And after talking...and singing...and pondering...all of a sudden it hits me that the KING and CREATOR of the universe is not only my Savior, but my friend who is ALWAYS beside me, listening to me all day....I'm floored.

He is there.
He is here.

I'm often reminded that joy doesn't come easily...even to the seemingly most "happy" people.
Joy is chosen.
And that choice is so hard sometimes.

Whether life is really cruel at the moment, or life's present is hard and the future is about to get harder...or life is "normal" but not really that's hard to choose joy.
For various reasons, it's been a little hard to choose joy. I'm not going to explain why; it's personal. And honestly, if I explained it, some people would shake their heads and tell me that it shouldn't be hard. (And to those people, I have this answer: Even King Solomon was depressed at times.)

My point is, no matter what the season of life or time of life, I have Jesus.

In my joy and my sorrow and my fear and my pain...just give me Jesus.

You can have all this world...Just give me Jesus.

What's in your heart today?